Halloween is retarded. Seriously what in the jizzing cum bucket of shit is the point of giving kids candy. Are there fuckin parents too damn cheap to get there kid candy. I'm not gonna give no little assholes that cause trouble year around and then they expect to get some candy from the people they torture. Even though I'm one of those assholes I retired halloween. Now I'm just going to go around and scare the living brown shit out of the kids that wanna talk $h!t and wont get out of the road while I'm going down the street. I regret trick or treating now because I rotted my teeth; good thing I grew new teeth. Another reason I reget it is because all the child molesting rapist running around that put razors and rat poision in the candy. Another thing that pisses me off is all the religious kids that say they are christain and its against there religion to trick-O-treat. If the kid gets poisioned I'll be the first guy on the block to get charged for attempted murder because of typing this funny ass post. SO YES I'M OFFICALY AGAINST TRICK-O-TREATING! BUT I CAN'T WAIT TILL TUESDAY BECAUSE THIS POST WAS JUST A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT I JUST MADE UP!!!
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